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Dr. ACS Harris

Loving Yourself Despite Adversity

Beloved Star Family,

As we welcome the month of September, we step into a time where the energies around us are shifting, calling us to ground ourselves, set new intentions, and align with the frequency of Virgo. This is the month where the energy of the Earth element comes alive in full force, offering us a chance to plant seeds of our future goals, nurture them, and see them blossom. September brings a sense of practicality, structure, and clarity—attributes that Virgo embodies so well. And in times like these, with the world vibrating with both intensity and opportunity, there is no better time to embrace these traits and integrate them into our personal and collective journeys.

Embracing the Attributes of Virgo

Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is known for its attention to detail, discipline, and dedication to self-improvement. Virgos are the nurturers, the healers, and the organizers of the zodiac. Their energy asks us to look at our lives through a discerning lens—where can we grow? What habits or patterns no longer serve us? How can we structure our days in a way that aligns with our higher purpose?

As the sun moves through Virgo, we are being encouraged to get practical about our dreams. It’s not enough to merely think about what we want; we must create a roadmap, take concrete steps, and focus on our daily routines. Virgos remind us that consistency is the secret ingredient to success. Whether it’s working toward your career goals, improving your health, or deepening your spiritual practice, now is the time to pay attention to the small things that lead to big transformations.

September asks us to focus on the tangible, on bringing our ideas down to earth. When you set your goals for this month, consider:

  • How can I add structure to my life to support my goals?

  • What daily habits can I cultivate to create long-term growth?

  • Where in my life do I need to be more grounded and realistic?

Even though Virgo energy is practical, it is also deeply spiritual. The Virgoan archetype reminds us that true spirituality isn't just about grand ideas or mystical experiences—it’s about showing up every day, staying present, and taking responsibility for our own evolution.

Applying Virgo Energy in Chaotic Times

These times we’re living in feel charged. The upcoming elections, tragic events in schools, and the daily pressures we all experience can make life feel overwhelming. But Virgo’s energy is here to remind us that even in the face of chaos, we can find peace and purpose by organizing our inner and outer worlds.

  1. Grounding and Discernment: One of Virgo's greatest gifts is the ability to ground. In moments of uncertainty, channel this energy by creating structure around your thoughts and emotions. Set aside time for meditation or mindfulness to center yourself, especially when the world feels unstable. This practice will help you become more discerning about the information and energy you allow into your space.

  2. Practical Service: Virgo is the sign of service, and one of the most powerful ways to transmute chaos into calm is by helping others. Whether you volunteer, reach out to support a friend, or offer guidance in your community, these small acts of service ripple outward and create more healing than you can imagine. Remember, when you give from a place of love and groundedness, you not only uplift others—you uplift yourself.

  3. Clean Up Your Space: Sometimes, external chaos is a reflection of internal disarray. Virgo loves organization, so take this opportunity to declutter your home, office, or even your mind. Clearing your physical environment creates space for new energy and ideas to flow in. It’s a simple yet profound way to regain control in times that feel out of control.

  4. Health and Well-being: Virgo rules over the digestive system, symbolizing the importance of discernment in what we consume—physically, mentally, and emotionally. Pay close attention to your health this month, as Virgo asks us to nurture our bodies as temples. Clean eating, hydration, and exercise are key. Equally important is how we nourish our minds and spirits. Be mindful of the media you consume and the conversations you engage in. Choose what uplifts and empowers you.

  5. Inner Reflection: This is a great time for journaling, another practice Virgo encourages. Write down your thoughts, fears, and dreams. As the energies of the world swirl around, journaling offers a space to make sense of it all. It also helps clarify the goals you want to set for the rest of the year.

Hope in the Face of Adversity

The world is in a state of great change, and it is easy to get lost in the heaviness. But Virgo energy reminds us that hope and healing are found in the details—in the little things we can do each day to make life better, both for ourselves and for those around us. When you set your goals this month, know that every small step you take contributes to the larger collective awakening.

Despite the turbulence we may be witnessing, this is a time for grounded action, clear vision, and practical magic. Allow Virgo’s wisdom to remind you that no matter how overwhelming life may seem, we always have the power to choose how we show up. Let this be the month where we get clear on what we want, organize our lives, and take steady, consistent action toward our higher purpose.

Paying the Energy Forward

As we align with the energies of Virgo, let us also commit to spreading this grounded, healing energy to those around us. Whether it’s a kind word, a helping hand, or simply showing up for someone when they need it, every gesture has the power to shift the collective vibration. Virgo energy teaches us that service is a sacred act, and that in serving others, we uplift the entire fabric of humanity.

So, Star Family, as we move through this September, remember the gifts of Virgo. Set your goals, get organized, and ground yourself in the present moment. Let your actions reflect your highest intentions, and don’t be afraid to bring a little bit of Virgo’s magic into every area of your life. The world needs your light, your service, and your practical wisdom now more than ever.

Together, we can create ripples of change, not just within ourselves, but in the world around us.

In love and light,


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