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Dr. ACS Harris

Guarding Your Sacral Energy During Mercury Retrograde and the Lions Gate Portal

Good day, Star Sol Family. As we navigate the celestial tides of the current Mercury retrograde and approach the powerful Lions Gate portal, it is crucial to be mindful of our energetic well-being. These cosmic events bring potent energies that can significantly impact our sacral chakra, the center of our creativity, sexuality, and emotional balance. Let us explore the importance of safeguarding this vital energy center, the potential dangers of neglecting it, and some effective methods to protect and strengthen your sacral chakra during these transformative times.

The Significance of the Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra, or Svadhisthana as it is called in Sanskrit, is the second energy center in our body, located just below the navel. It governs our emotions, desires, sensuality, and creativity. When balanced, it allows us to experience joy, pleasure, and healthy relationships. However, during times of heightened cosmic activity, such as Mercury retrograde and the Lions Gate portal, this chakra can become vulnerable to imbalances.

Mercury Retrograde: A Time of Reflection and Reassessment

Mercury retrograde, a period when the planet Mercury appears to move backward in the sky, is notorious for causing communication mishaps, technological glitches, and travel delays. On a deeper level, it is a time for introspection, reevaluation, and revisiting past issues. This inward focus can stir up unresolved emotions and past traumas, particularly those related to our sacral chakra. Without proper care, we might find ourselves overwhelmed by these resurfacing emotions, leading to anxiety, frustration, and creative blocks.

The Lions Gate Portal: A Surge of Cosmic Energy

The Lions Gate portal, peaking on August 8th, is an annual alignment between the Earth, the star Sirius, and the Galactic Center. This alignment opens a powerful energetic gateway, flooding us with high-frequency energies that can accelerate spiritual growth and manifestation. While this is a time of great opportunity, the influx of energy can also overstimulate our sacral chakra, leading to emotional turbulence and energetic exhaustion if not properly managed.

The Dangers of Neglecting Your Sacral Energy

Failing to guard your sacral energy during these celestial events can result in several negative outcomes. An overactive sacral chakra might manifest as impulsivity, addiction, and emotional instability, while an underactive one can lead to creative blocks, low libido, and a sense of disconnection. Both states can disrupt our ability to connect authentically with ourselves and others, hindering our personal and spiritual growth.

Protecting and Strengthening Your Sacral Chakra

  1. Mindful Meditation: Engage in daily meditation focused on the sacral chakra. Visualize a warm, orange light glowing in your lower abdomen, expanding and balancing your energy. This practice can help you stay grounded and centered amidst the cosmic shifts.

  2. Emotional Release: Allow yourself to feel and release any pent-up emotions. Journaling, creative expression, or speaking with a trusted friend or therapist can provide a healthy outlet for emotional processing.

  3. Physical Movement: Activities like yoga, dance, and tai chi can help to activate and balance the sacral chakra. These practices encourage the flow of energy and release any physical tension stored in the pelvic area.

  4. Sacral Chakra Crystals: Incorporate crystals like carnelian, orange calcite, and moonstone into your daily routine. Carry them with you, place them on your sacral chakra during meditation, or sleep with them under your pillow to harness their balancing properties.

  5. Healthy Boundaries: Be mindful of your interactions and set healthy boundaries to protect your energy. Avoid engaging in relationships or activities that drain you, and instead, surround yourself with supportive, uplifting influences.

  6. Nourishing Foods: Consume foods that resonate with the sacral chakra, such as oranges, carrots, sweet potatoes, and nuts. These foods can help to nourish and balance your energy from the inside out.

Embrace the Cosmic Flow

As we journey through Mercury retrograde and approach the Lions Gate portal, remember that these celestial events are opportunities for profound growth and transformation. By guarding your sacral energy and taking proactive steps to balance and strengthen this vital chakra, you can navigate these times with grace and emerge more aligned with your true self.

Embrace the cosmic flow, and let your sacral energy shine brightly, illuminating your path to wholeness and empowerment.

Love and Oneness,

Priestess Ningba

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